
Must-have copywriting strategies, tips and advice for your website copy, marketing content and social media messages.


This may not be the year you stick to your resolutions, but it’s not too late to redirect that intense energy you felt on January 2nd to your website content. Make it a point to schedule a few hours every month for reviewing your website content. Make sure it keeps in touch with what’s going on with your customers and the market.


Twitter 101

By now you have heard about Twitter or already have a Twitter account of your own. To some it’s a phase, to others a craze– but make no mistake, it’s as viral as viral marketing gets! So, just what exactly is the buzz about Twitter?


While search engine optimization (SEO) assists in improving the quality and volume of traffic to a site, web sites have to meet the needs of their audience or the traffic will be meaningless.Successful web sites receive significant traffic and move visitors to act. It is important to realize that search engine optimization (SEO) and conversion optimization are not the same thing. Rather, conversion optimization can be used to expose the effectiveness of an SEO strategy.


SEO has a Dirty Little Secret

How much of your website traffic actually converts to sales? First page Google ranking is the ultimate quest of Internet marketing, but converting visitors into buyers is the Holy Grail.
Too often, SEO firms suck businesses into the mindless pursuit of being number one on Google.
There’s a dirty little secret in the SEO industry right now and knowing what it is and how to avoid it means the difference between having customers who look and ones who buy. Before you hire an SEO firm or perform any optimization yourself, discover SEO’s dirty little secret first.